A young South Sudanese girl waits with her family to be registered as a refugee having just arrived in Uganda fleeing increasing conflict in her homeland. Elegu Reception Centre, Uganda, 2016.

A sign demarks the border between Uganda and South Sudan. With incessant violence and civil war in South Sudan, the seemingly innocuous sign also signifies the divide between safety and danger.

A young South Sudanese girl clutches one of the few possessions that she was able to to take with her as she fled her home following renewed fighting in South Sudan's civil war. Elegu Reception Centre, Uganda, 2016.

Newly arrived refugees wait for a hot meal at a food distribution point having fled their homes in South Sudan. Bidibidi settlement, Uganda, 2016.

Happy. Because of love we are happy. The world is very beautiful. We laugh out loud. The caption on the only clothes worn by a small boy upon arriving in Uganda having fled an outbreak of fighting in his village in South Sudan. Elegu Reception Centre, Uganda, 2016.

A young South Sudanese refugee stares out of the window of a school in Palorinya refugee settlement, northern Uganda. 65% of over one million people that have fled the brutal conflict in South Sudan to Uganda seeking safety are children.

The chairman of the local council watches the establishment of Imvepi refugee settlement on land for which he is responsible. Commiuniities in northern Uganda give their land free and unconditionally for use as settlements where refugees are given a small plot of land to farm. Such were the huge numbers fleeing violence and conflict in South Sudan that aid agencies struggled to keep up and within weeks the land allocated was already full with tens of thousands of refugees.

A Ugandan soldier watches over the border between South Sudan and Uganda at Busia bridge over the Kaya River, one of several crossing points along the border across which hundreds of thousands crossed seeking sanctuary from war. Almost imperceptible borders can carry unimaginable significance and determine life from death.

Jesus is the Answer. Incription on the back of a t-shirt of a recently arrived refugee to Bidibidi refugee camp.

South Sudanese children play in a child friendly space in Bidibidi refugee settlement. 65% of over one million people that have fled the brutal conflict in South Sudan seeking safety in Uganda are children. Child friendly spaces offer a small sanctuary allowing children to play and return to some form of normality aftern the often violent and traumatic circumstances that led to their displacement, helping repair the psychological scars and bringing a little fun back into their lives.